Estate Planning with Allison McMeechan
We are here this afternoon with attorney Allison McMeechan who focuses her law practice on elder and special needs law, estate and trust administration, probate and guardianships. Thank you, Allison for joining us today.
The new year is often a time to make resolutions to improve our lives. We’d like to talk today about estate planning, as this might be on people’s resolution list. A well-thought-out estate plan deals not only with the disposition of your assets at death, but also care of yourself and your wealth during your lifetime. And for many people, estate planning is very intimidating. What documents should clients bring to their first meeting with you? And can you explain your evaluation process?
Can you touch upon the estate planning documents that you might recommend and why each one is important?
What about family members? What are your thoughts about family members being part of the discussion and process?
Lastly, what are the areas of estate planning that most people miss or mess up?
Allison, thank you for providing your insights and wisdom today. I’m sure you’ve inspired some to get this important financial planning step checked off their to-do list.